Saturday, 5 September 2009

Welcome back childhood, You keeping well?

Coming soon to the cinema, are two films that I am very anxious and excited to see. Both of them are based on books that I absolutely loved as a kid, by writers that inspire the overactive imaginations of children. I urge any readers of this blog to go and watch them both.

The trailers are available to watch now.

"Where the Wild Things Are"
directed by Spike Jonze
based on the book by Maurice Sendak

"Fantastic Mr. Fox"
directed by Wes Anderson
based on the book by Roald Dahl

Spike Jonze and Wes Anderson are literally the perfect directors for these projects. Each with their own unique visual style, tons of credibility and integrity, but more importantly, a firm hold of their own childish imaginations. I am so pleased that these stories are finally coming to life on the big screen, and opening the door for new children to hear these great stories. They truly enriched my young life.

Welcome back Childhood.

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