Saturday, 18 July 2009

Use the world as your canvas. Lesson 1.

1. Find any blank surface that will support a drawing.

2. Find the time to draw on it.

3. If the drawing can be referential to the item it is drawn on, then it will be especially satisfactory.

(Extra points if the drawing will surprise people on a regular basis.)

Example 1.A - Haunting in Connecticut, The

The photograph isn't especially detailed, (Taken on my Samsung D900irubbishphone) but what you can see is a 'surprise' drawing I did for my workmates, at my part-time job in Blockbusters. On the name board for the new rental movie "The Haunting in Connecticut", I have drawn a rather Scary and/or Spooky ghost. Which will, invariably give my co-workers 'The Heebie-Jeebies' and/or 'The Willies' every single time they see it.

In fact, it's probably scarier even, than the film itself.

Drawing everywhere... This is something I do anyway, and have always done since I was a boy. Much to the dismay of teachers, parents, policemen, friends and others. However I now intend to document as an 'Everyday Art' project. Watch this space.

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